Transform your Life with Hypnosis

By Lisa Luca-Stout

Lisa's hypnosis qualifications:

Certified in Hypnotherapy by Arthur Leidecker - The Leidecker Institute Elgin, IL
Certified in Basic Metaphysical Hypnosis by The Leidecker Institute Elgin, IL
Certified in Advanced Metaphysical Hypnosis by The Leidecker Institute Elgin, IL
Certified in Clients Centered Parts Therapy by Roy Hunter- The Alliance Self-Empowerment, Inc.
Certified in Regression Therapy by The Alternative Practitioner Academy, Arlington Heights, IL
Certified in Past Life Regression by Paul Aurand - The Holistic Healing Center, New York, NY.
Certified in Life between Lives Regression by The Newton Institute, New York, NY
Lisa has been a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists since 2003.
Certified in Hypnobirthing by Arthur Leidecker – The Leidecker Institute, Elgin Il
Certified in Hypnofertility by Arthur Leidecker – The Leidecker Institute, Elgin Il
Certified in Painless Child Birthing by Don Mottin (Vice President of the National Guild of Hypnotists) – Director of Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis, MO
Certified in Sports Hypnosis by Don Mottin (Vice President of the National Guild of Hypnotists) – Director of Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis, MO
Certified in Advanced Regression by Don Mottin (Vice President of the National Guild of Hypnotists) – Director of Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis, MO
Certified in Hypnotherapy for Cancer, A.D.D., A.D.H.D., and Autism for Adults and Children by Don Mottin (Vice President of the National Guild of Hypnotists) – Director of Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis, MO.
Certified in Pediatrics Hypnosis by Don Mottin (Vice President of the National Guild of Hypnotists) – Director of Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis, MO
Certified in Forensics Hypnosis by Don Mottin (Vice President of the National Guild of Hypnotists) – Director of Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis, MO.
Is a Certified Self-hypnosis Instructor Certified by Don Mottin (Vice President of the National Guild of Hypnotists) – Director of Mottin & Johnson Institute of Hypnosis, MO.



Information about Hypnosis

What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state or condition in which the subject becomes highly responsive to suggestions. It can be considered deep relaxation. It is done to treat, change, or transform an issue, belief, illness, problem or situation to improve and promote health and well being. It was introduced by a man named Franz Anton Mesmer who studied magnetism. It originally was based on magnetism and the term animal magnetism was born. His procedure was referred to as Mesmerism. Later a man named James Braid changed it to hypnotism and hypnosis.

What is Hypnotizability?
It is the ability for someone to be hypnotized. Everyone can be hypnotized. It is up to the client to allow himself to relax. A trance like state happens to us everyday even when we don't realize it. Can you remember a time you went through a green light at an intersection and you couldn't remember if it was green? Then you looked back in your review mirror and it was indeed green.

What to expect in a hypnosis session:
During hypnosis the subconscious mind takes in what the hypnotist is saying while the client is in a deep level of relaxation or trance like state. The client is still able to sense or hear everything going on around them. The client is put into a relaxed state before suggestions are given. During a normal hypnosis session to achieve hypnosis a progressive or rapid induction is done. Then some sort of a relaxation technique and deepening the client's relaxation-trance level is done. Deepening may be done throughout the session. The client is usually then guided to imagine a safe place. As the client relaxes the mind goes into a deeper level of relaxation (sometimes called a level of trance). This is a state of deep relaxation, where the mind is able to let go of its thoughts and daily concerns. Sometimes people have experienced this level on their own. The mind goes in and out of trance several times a day without us knowing it. It may even seem like day dreaming or spacing out.

This deep level of relaxation is also sometimes achieved right before you fall asleep or before you fully wake up in the morning. When in this deep level of relaxation the subconscious mind records commands or suggestions that are received. The subconscious sends the new suggestions to the client when needed such as: "I am full"," I am healthy", "I am strong and successful". The new positive suggestions replace old thoughts and help the client.

Levels of Brain Waves Frequencies - Trance levels

13-30 +
 Hertz Awake and Alert
 Hertz Relaxed
 Hertz Near Sleep
0.5 -2
 Hertz Sleep

The 3 Basic kinds of Hypnosis
There are 3 kinds of hypnosis. The first type is basic hypnosis. Basic hypnosis is used for retraining the subconscious, for healing, for self improvement and creating wellness. The second type is stage hypnosis. The third is self hypnosis.

Special kinds of Hypnosis derived from Basic Hypnosis
There are special kinds of hypnosis derived from basic hypnosis that are also considered hypnosis; such as clinical hypnosis, medical hypnosis, sports hypnosis, hypnobirthing, hypnofertility, metaphysical hypnosis, forensics hypnosis and many more.

Advanced Hypnosis Therapies and Techniques
There are special advanced techniques or therapies that are considered hypnosis that can be used with basic hypnosis such as: different kinds of regression therapies, parts therapy, gestalt therapy, progression therapy, future life progression and more.

Basic Hypnosis
Basic hypnosis can be therapeutic and used for many things. For example it is used to retrain subconscious thoughts, beliefs and behaviors into new ones. It is also used for healing, releasing, forgiveness, transformation, integration, and bringing one into wholeness and well-being. Other specialty techniques of hypnosis are used in conjunction with basic hypnosis.

A few reasons to have Basic Hypnosis done
For weight reduction
To quit smoking
To promote self-confidence and self-esteem
To enhance your creative abilities (singing, art, playing an instrument)
To promote relaxation and relieve tension and stress
To Aid in relieving pain
To improve public speaking, help you with goals, get motivated, and make better choices
To promote a good night's sleep (all through the night)
To promote optimum health, motivate you to exercise and create positive thinking
To open you up to love and prosperity, to help you use the law of attraction

Stage Hypnosis
Stage hypnosis is used to show that hypnosis really works. It is used to "WOW" a crowd in front of an audience. It is done with a rapid induction technique. With stage hypnosis the hypnotist puts the client into hypnosis in less than a minute. Those who do stage hypnosis are very good at it and have passion for it. Lisa does not do stage hypnosis.

Self Hypnosis
Self hypnosis is a form of hypnosis. It is a way of putting oneself into the state of hypnosis. All hypnosis is actually considered self hypnosis because the client is the one who actually allows himself to go into a relaxed state even if he is being guided by a hypnotherapist or hypnotist. With self hypnosis one is able to follow his own suggestions to get into hypnosis. It is a simple and uncomplicated process.

Clinical Hypnosis
Clinical hypnosis is hypnosis done by a counselor, therapist or a medical doctor that is trained in hypnosis.

Medical Hypnosis
Medical hypnosis is hypnosis used in the medical field or dental field. The hypnotist works with medical professionals in medical offices, hospitals and also with dentists.

Sports hypnosis

Sports hypnosis is used to enhance the ability to retrain the subconscious to focus and achieve one's goals in the particular area-expertise the client is in.

Metaphysical Hypnosis
Metaphysical hypnosis is hypnosis revealing answers to things that are sometimes not defined as normal. It covers the real and what may seem to be unreal, the physical, the nonphysical and the sometimes unexplainable. It covers the more spiritual aspect of what hypnosis can help you with. It covers things that some humans don't quite understand such as communicating with one's guardian angles, spirit guides, totem animals, exploring past lives, in-between lives and future lives. It covers what the soul experiences when not in the physical body such as: what happens to you as a soul on different levels of existence, in the here-after (heaven) or lives it is living simultaneously (something called parallel lives, multiple lives or soul splits).

With this kind of hypnosis you can get a glimpse of what to expect when your soul detaches from your physical body via your silver cord. It is accepting that we are of mind, body and spirit. It is used for many things in this area such as: inner healing, self healing, connecting to one's innerself, higherself, lowerself or shadow- aspects/ego parts, connecting and communicating with the soul, healing the soul, soul retrieval, exploring and healing the chakras and the energy body, opening up to and enhancing your intuition, connecting to and communicating with Mother-Father God and the universal energies. The use of guided imagery and colors has been known to enhance hypnosis and spiritual journeys. Several indigenous cultures have used practices that induce a hypnotic trance like state or astral journeying. Sometimes a deep meditation is considered hypnotic. Metaphysical hypnosis has also been used to connect on a deeper level with Mother Nature, the elements, animals and people who have passed away. With metaphysical hypnosis exploring the Akashic Records/Book of Life can be experienced. The Akashic records are your life files that contain all of your karma, past present and future on earth or on other levels and dimensions. The place they are kept is sometimes called the library for the Akashic records. Trance channeling, automatic writing, writing from the soul or writing from the heart center also may be considered under the heading of metaphysical hypnosis.

A few Reasons to get Metaphysical Hypnosis done
To get in touch with your inner awareness, and learn to trust it
To talk to your soul for inner knowledge, awareness and healing on all levels
To get in touch with the Elohim, your Guardian angels, Archangels and Spirit guides
To communicate with your inner child or shadow for healing
To meet and communicate with your totem animals, the elements and nature
To connect with your inner guide, inner healer or higherself
To restore your body and soul or clear your chakras and meridians
For metaphysical healing, releasing or to enhance your psychic ability
To learn your higher purpose and enhance your journey to enlightenment
To connect with the higher source, Ascended Masters and your "I Am" presence
For a Past Life Regression or Age Regression
To connect with and communicate with your passed away loved ones or pets
To help expand your awareness or enhance your spiritual practices
To gain higher knowledge and higher learning
To help you become better at visualization and creating your divine potential
To heal you with light and color through visualization
To change or reframe a new or better outcome to change a situation or trauma
For psychic protection, balance, centering, grounding and reclaiming your personal power

Hypnobirthing is self explanatory. It is a special technique; hypnosis is used to help women in the natural birthing process. This is considered an area where special training and certification is needed.

Hypnofertility is hypnosis that aids couples in the process of conceiving a baby. It has been proven to work in the aid of conception. There are several certified programs in this area. Please seek a certified hypnofertility practioner if you are in need of help in this area.

Forensics Hypnosis
Forensics Hypnosis is hypnosis used to help the client and the police find details to crimes that may be useful for helping to solve cases. It can help in several ways. For example maybe the person was subjected to a bad experience and can't remember what their perpetrator looks like and they need more details to draw a sketch. Maybe the person was knocked unconscious and can't remember what happened in a robbery. Maybe it was a hit and run and they need to find out the license plate number or make of the car that hit them. These are just a few examples of how forensics hypnosis is used.

Parts Therapy
Parts therapy is an advanced technique that is hypnosis in which hypnosis is used to help the client release, heal and change for the better any inner conflict. Inner conflict happens when any part or parts of the client don't agree with each part. They are sometimes called ego parts, shadow aspects, aspect of oneself, sub-personalities, or subconscious parts. These parts each have their own idea or belief about the issue or illness at hand. The hypnotist (facilitator) guides the client in bringing forth these parts while the client is in hypnosis. The hypnotist will guide the client in dialog with their parts and act as a mediator remaining objective. The hypnotist will stay neutral to locate cause, negotiate and allow the clients parts to agree on the letting go and coming into alignment with all parts so they can release, forgive or replace a new outcome using suggestion and imagery. It is best used when a client has inner conflict or when there is internal resistance.

Clients Centered Parts Therapy
Charles Tebbetts based his parts therapy work on the work of a man named Paul Federn. He developed it into a client centered approach and combined it with deep hypnosis in order to help clients resolve inner conflict. Roy Hunter PhD, hypnotherapist, hypnotherapist trainer, speaker and author was Charles Tebbetts only protégé. Roy has updated Charles Tebbetts work to perfect this technique. Roy Hunter teaches Client Centered Parts Therapy around the world. Roy Hunter has written several books on this subject. Lisa is a certified Clients Centered Parts Therapist trained by Roy Hunter. To learn more about client centered parts therapy please read Roy's books. The Art of Hypnosis, The Art of Hypnotherapy, Hypnosis for Inner Conflict, and Master the Power of Self Hypnosis.

Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt therapy was first introduced by Fritz Perls, Laura Perls and Paul Goodman in the 1940's. Gestalt therapy is believed to be a client centered process that focuses on what needs to be worked on in the moment during a hypnosis session that needs to be redone or resaid for healing, transformation or to create a new awareness. The client is able to clear unfinished business through dialog while under hypnosis. The hypnotist guides the client through a self dialog process that is co-created by the client's inner self and subconscious to uncover and to obtain a better understanding of what happened or was said in the past. The client may have been wronged, hurt, or traumatized in the past. It is a way for the inner self to express hidden or blocked feelings and emotions that may have been causing a certain behavior, response or reaction to someone, or something since the original experience. It helps to bring the client into the now and to focus on healing from within. In some cases it helps give closure to the situation. It is very beneficial.

Regression Therapy
This is hypnosis that takes the client back in time to view or recall past memories that have been stored in the subconscious or has been recorded in cellular or soul memory. Regression therapy is a way to go back in time to view something to gain information. It may be an event, or memory needed to be seen, understood or released. The subconscious mind stores everything in its memory bank. The conscious mind is usually too busy doing its normal functions that it doesn't remember everything at any given moment. It only remembers what it needs to. The other details get stored in your mind like a computer. Details can be brought to the surface to view and retrieve if necessary. There are several different types of regression. One type of regression is Inner Child Regression. It is used to connect with the client's inner child. Another form of regression is womb regression. It is used to view memories from when the client was in the womb of his/her mother. Third is age regression which is used to take the client back to an age needed to view or retrieve memories to discover the answers needed. The fourth kind of regression is Past Life Regression. It is used to view scenes or experiences the client encountered as a soul in past lives. The last one is Life between Lives Regression and is used to view or experience details of the soul's experiences between incarnations here on earth.

The 5 kinds of Regression Therapy

Age Regression Therapy
People who lose their memories due to a trauma or an accident can have this kind of hypnosis done to bring forth memories or events they are not able to remember for healing and transformation. It is also used to release traumas or issues. The client may be regressed back to the first time the symptoms started to see where or what initiated it and get details. Age Regression can be used to help you find lost objects; it can take the client back in time to the moment the client last had the object. It can also be used to reinforce feelings such as positivity, self- confidence, or review a time when the client was feeling at optimal performance or health. It can also be used to stimulate good memories and qualities such as: happy moments of joy, good achievements or family memories of parents and happy times with them. It can be good to remember moments of success if the client is feeling down and lost. It may be used to retrieve childhood memories of joy for energizing the spirit as well. These are just a few reasons to use Age Regression.

Inner Child Regression Therapy
This is hypnosis to regress the client back to make a connection with their inner childlike being or parts of them that hold their memories as a child. These memories hold emotions that need to be remembered either for healing, to be acknowledged, or nurtured. The human body holds memories in its cells of everything it has experienced or learned from the past. These memories get stored inside the subconscious mind like a computer storing memory. With each experience there is some kind of sensation and an emotion or feeling attached. This can be a good emotion or a negative one. The negative ones become issues (sometimes called wounds or beliefs) that affect the way we think, act and react and so on. It affects the way we function on a day to day basis. We as humans build on these memories and that is how our personalities form. By making a connection with regression to the inner child the clients can learn how they formed a feeling or belief about something that has created them to act or think a certain way. The inner child holds all of the clients' past in this life time and therefore can help them work through issues that affect them in a negative manner. The inner child gets a chance to express itself and the client can respond by giving it unconditional love. Clients can reclaim their inner power, heal childhood traumas, release fears and phobias, and even eliminate bad habits. Everyone has an inner child that most likely needs to be acknowledged and nurtured for one reason or another. Your inner child can be an infant, a toddler, a pre-schooler, a school aged child or an adolescent. Sometimes the client's inner child needs rescuing, releasing, to experience forgiveness, or healing in some way. The inner child session usually ends in integration back to self for healing on all levels. Communicating with the inner child can also be done with a technique called parts therapy.

In Utero/Prenatal Regression Therapy (Womb Regression)
This is hypnosis that takes clients back to the time when they were in their mother's womb. When regressing back to the clients' mother's womb they can see and feel what it was like to be in the womb, what they felt inside, what their mother and father were feeling or how they communicated with their mom. Clients can see how they communicated with their soul and get messages from their soul. They can find out their soul's purpose. Sometimes issues clients have may have stemmed from their experiences while they were in the womb or during child birth. This is a way to go back in time and view them for healing, releasing and closure. A trained hypnotist in this area knows how to do this.

Past Life Regression Therapy (PLR)
Past Life Regression is a form of Regression Therapy. During the session the client explores lives his soul experienced before this lifetime. The client is guided back in time to another lifetime by the hypnotist. Clients can experience where they were, what they were wearing, what their name was, what their purpose in that lifetime was and much more. They can get a sense of who they know from that lifetime that is in this lifetime now. Clients can release karma, issues, or any contracts and binding agreements they had with other people or situations to help them heal and clear them for this life now. Karma is what they have done, are doing or will do in the future. It is an outcome of that and a build up of lessons needed for the soul to learn, grow and evolve. These contracts are lessons created from karma their soul was working on in other lifetimes that created a karmic contract for the lesson to be learned again or a new lesson may be created for another lifetime. A binding agreement is a lesson formed with another soul at the end of a lifetime that they will relive or work on that karma together in another lifetime to come. Sometimes people are still corded to someone from a past life or a deceased someone they knew. During a PLR these cords can also be released. There is usually a karmic reason someone is still corded to someone here on earth. A PLR is one way to find out and clear it. Fears, illnesses, repetitive problems, life situations and old issues can be cleared and dissolved with PLR. Clients can also view how many lifetimes they have had with their lover or spouse. They can explore their other lives on other realms, dimensions, and planets. It is a very healing process. A PLR will heighten one's senses and intuition. It is an awesome experience to view these past lifetimes. It usually helps clients put the puzzle pieces of their life together. Have you ever wondered why you had an attraction to a different country, style of clothes, certain type of food, kind of music, dancing or instrument? Chances are you lived in that country or played that kind of instrument before. Did you ever wonder why you are so attracted to a certain person? Chances are that they were your spouse or lover in a past life.

Reasons to get Past Life Regression done:
1. To bring clarity and new insight to your present life.
2. To more fully appreciate your spiritual heritage, identity and destiny.
3. To gain personal empowerment by bringing traits and talents back with you.
4. To release past karma brought into this life for healing. This includes healing illnesses, diseases, phobias, and weight gain.
5. To release contracts and binding agreements. To cut cords not needed to help you evolve.
6. To release all old patterning of negative behaviors.
7. To release blockages preventing your divine potential.
8. To find out what lifetime is interfering with financial issues and see why you aren't getting ahead financially and clear it.
9. To clear your past, enabling you to create a new outcome.
10. To see your past lives with your lover, spouse or mate.
11. To clear old issues and contracts which are creating problems in your relationships.
12. You can see into the eyes of the people you know now.
13. To find out what your soul's purpose is.
14. You can experience what it was like for your soul to travel.
15. To talk with your Spirit guides.

Life between Lives Regression Therapy (LBL)
A Life between Lives Regression is a way to use hypnotic regression to view your soul's journey once it leaves the physical body. The term Life between Lives refers to what the soul experiences in between each incarnation. The soul may not join its over-soul and stay earth-bound becoming a disincarnate. It may journey to another plane of existence or return home to heaven. During a Life between Lives Regression the client can gain knowledge of the afterlife and its soul's evolution by seeing, feeling, sensing, and learning about its past experiences of its soul's path and destiny. Through direct contact in an LBL clients may be guided to connect with their soul and discover their life purpose. The life of the soul is learning and expanding most of the time. The soul is God's energy that is distributed into packets of light. These packets of light carry DNA and patterning according to God's divine plan to experience what is chosen for each and every soul that is carrying out the wish and will of the creator. Every lifetime is a choice created by the individual's soul and its connection to God. It is important to remember that the soul is an extension originated from the God energy. Each time a soul evolves it becomes stronger. The soul is boundless and it can move along energy and time lines through the ethers and different levels or planes of existence. The newer soul has to grow and develop to move up to become an intermediate soul and then an advanced soul. The soul moves and vibrates at a higher frequency as it gains experiences, learns lessons and gains knowledge. One way for the soul to do that is to choose to incarnate to fulfill its destined plan to grow, evolve, and fulfill its karmic destiny. Basically to evolve so it can eventually be one with the creator and be complete.

The higher vibration is what evolution is all about for the soul. The more advanced and evolved the soul is the higher the vibration is as it finishes its karmic lessons and becomes more light. Some souls don't experience earth; they evolve in other ways. In a Life between Lives Regression there is much to learn, experience and explore for the client.

A man named Michael Newton PhD, psychologist, and hypnotherapist has developed a technique that takes people beyond their past lives to view and experience what happens to the soul after it leaves the physical body or what it experiences in the afterlife. This process is called Life between Lives Regression. It used to be called Spiritual Regression. Lisa is trained by The Newton Institute in New York in his special technique. With Michael Newton's process typically it is a 2 day event. On the first day you will experience a Past Life Regression. This is a pre-requisite for a Life between Lives Regression and usually can take a couple of hours. On the second day the client is guided right from where they left off on day one, once they are put into deep hypnosis. The client is then guided to where he or she needs to go next through the afterlife. This session will take anywhere from 2 to 5 hours. It is a profound experience. To learn more about Michael Newton's work please read his books, Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls, Life between Lives hypnotherapy, and Memories of the Afterlife.

Reasons to get a Life between Lives Regression
1. To discover why you are here in this life time.
2. To see where your soul goes after it leaves the body.
3. To view the way your soul travels.
4. To meet with your spirit guides and council of elders. The council of elders is your higher guides who help guide your soul for its evolution.
5. To see who comes to retrieve your soul (if anyone) to help you get to the gate or entrance into heaven and then guides your travel though the afterlife.
6. To see who is waiting for you beyond the gate (deceased loved ones and souls you once knew).
7. To find out information about soul mates.
8. To meet your soul group.
9. To communicate with the souls of people you know or people who have passed away.
10. You can also talk to your own soul.
11. To experience a soul cleansing.
12. To view why you have chosen this particular theme/life plan.
13. To examine the hereafter and experience different places your soul travels to.
14. To visit passed away pets and where they are in heaven.
15. To talk to your guides or council of elders and ask them questions to gain knowledge and guidance on circumstances going on in your life.
16. To see what level soul you are.
17. To see what your soul group is learning or what their talents are.
18. To see how your soul learns and evolves.
19. To review your other lives.
20. To experience what your soul does while in the afterlife (what kind of classrooms it visits, lecture halls, how it learns, recharges, and more).
21. You can learn what your eternal soul's name is.
22. To visit the library and view your Akashic records.
23. To gain healing and experience oneness.
24. To learn about your karma and recover life patterns, traits or talents.
25. To see why you chose this current body type (yes we choose it ourselves).
26. To transform old issues, patterns and past lives.
27. To gain knowledge about personal relationships and cut cords, dissolve contracts and binding agreements or allow forgiveness.
28. To find out more about your soul mate and soul friends.
29. To find out how to be more prosperous in this life time.
30. To clear fears, karma and negative habits.
31. To enjoy visiting and traveling to buildings or other levels to view and learn in the afterlife where masters and souls gather for learning and training.
32. To become more spiritually in tune with your intuition and enhance it.
33. To help your soul's evolution by gaining wisdom and knowledge.
34. To become more at-one with your soul and make a more profound connection with self.

Progression Therapy
Progression Therapy is used for bringing the client into the feeling of completion. This is usually done by visualizing the future and locking in the goal, desired outcome or effect. When something can be seen or felt in the future while in hypnosis, it helps to manifest this desired outcome quicker. The hypnotist will use guided imagery or visualization while the client is in a deep relaxed state (hypnosis) and have the client imagine the future and create a desired outcome. The hypnotist will have him/ her see and feel what that experience really feels like by connecting a feeling or emotion with his or her goal or desire and have the client jump into that scene. You can create a future happy you, or healthy you, thin you or successful you. Good feelings, self-confidence and a sense of calmness can all be reproduced with an anchor put in place by a hypnotist for the client (like touching a certain area on their arm).

Guided Imagery
The use of guided imagery is when a hypnotist guides the client to use his/her imagination and visualization skills to create a new scene, program, or outcome to create a situation for healing and transformation. Through suggestion the hypnotist guides the client to create a new thought pattern that reprograms the subconscious. Guided imagery is very beneficial. It clears issues, relieves stress and promotes relaxation, peace and tranquility for healing. The autonomic nervous system will respond when the body relaxes. In fact the mind, body and spirit benefits from this kind of therapy or healing.

Future Life Progression
A future life progression is when the hypnotist guides the client while in hypnosis to view an actual life time or in-between lifetime the client's soul has lived in the future or is currently living in the future. It is believed that all time is simultaneous and therefore our past, present and future is all happening at once (sometimes called a parallel life time). It is possible that when in a hypnosis session an originating issue, pattern, or illness may show up from a future lifetime or future in-between lifetime.

Setting up appointments and Pricing Information
A phone consultation before your hypnosis session is free. Call 1-847-525-7182. All hypnosis except Past Life Regression and Life between Lives Regression is $175.00 per session. A Past Life Regression is $325.00. A Life between Lives Regression is $525.00. (A PLR is a pre-requisite for an LBL). All hypnosis must be prepaid by PayPal on Lisa's website 1 week before the appointment.

Hypnosis Session - $175
Past Life Regression - $325
Life Between Lives Regression - $525

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Lisa Luca- Stout © 2011